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When & where

March 21

A Walk in Strijp-S

Enkh told me that she feels sad that she can’t join most of the GiT meetups. So, we chose a day to go out with her and her little one. To keep it easy for them, we decided to go to a place nearby their place: Strijp-S. I asked in the group if they would like to join Enkh, Tenger and me. 

On Tuesday morning we wandered around Strijp-S. Shared some historical details and some interesting places to go to. For instance, Intelligentia for ice- cream.😊 Consuelo was able to join us. Other members wanted to join as well but unfortunately couldn’t. 

It was nice to go for a walk with them and see them connecting with each other and the place. 😊

March 17

Trip to Geldrop (02)

Today, the second group visited Geldrop. We started again with the secondhand store and people did find something useful. 😊 

After that, we walked towards the city center for some food. It was the first time for all of us at Bakker Bart and it was good. We had a good quality time, took some pictures and it was time to say bye for now.

Once again, it was a amazing exploring a bit of Geldrop together with friends. 

See you all next week. Until then, fijn weekend allemaal! 🤗


March 16

Trip to Geldrop (01)

On Thursday, the first group visited Geldrop. We went to the secondhand store. And who knew Eli was going to find her piano there. 😊 She was playing the piano and just connected with it. You never know where you will find what you are looking for. 😊

After an interesting time at the store, we walked towards the city center for a drink. We ended up at a café called La Cafetera. We had our drinks, played a Dutch game by translating the questions to English, took some pictures and headed back home. 

First trip outside of Eindhoven, and we all had a very good time. 
