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When & where

May 27

Finding a job in the Netherlands - Webinar by Kirtika van Hunen

Many thanks to Kirtika van Hunen, www.linkedin.com/in/kvanhunen/, (www.between2c.nl), for offering the webinar ‘Finding a Job in the Netherlands’, including her own story and useful tips.🙏

From the starting step of validating our diplomas via Nuffic to what we want in the first place to preparing our CV and Motivation Letter to interview, the webinar was very insightful. Especially for an international with a diploma and experience from his/her own country, most of the time it is challenging to even take the first step, not knowing where to begin from. Webinars as such help to understand how the job market works.

Glad you all, Audrey, Binda, Nikita, Renisa, and Sun Qi, could join the webinar. All the best for your future and enjoy your one-to-one half an hour coaching with Kirtika van Hunen in the near future.🤗👍

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May 21

Discussion on the Materials with Pennings' Team

First of all, it was wonderful seeing you, Carola, after a long time and discussing and planning for the planned photo-exhibition together with Audrey, Nikita and Pennings team. Thank you, Audrey Fournier and Nikita, for your participation and inputs as always.🤗🙏 

To update on where we are now in the process, we have collected a number of lovely materials for the exhibition. In coming two weeks, Pennings team will go through the materials again and have a better look on the ‘how’ to project the story behind them.

We also discussed about the activities we would like to have during the Opening and Closing Ceremony. So far, the plan is to have a short dance and a musical performance.💃🎸 10-15 minutes in total for both. These are for Opening Ceremony... For the Closing Ceremony, reading the stories shared by the participants.📓... In between, on weekends perhaps app…... Read More

May 13

Discuss- Update- Plan Over Materials (3)

First of all, I would like to thank everyone for participating and sharing special moments of your life through various medium with us. Thank you for your effort and interest in walking on this journey with us.🤗🙏 

As you all know we have been sharing materials for quite a while now, extensively for three weeks now. And I am very happy to say that we have received quite a number of wonderful pictures, texts, videos from many, within the GiT Family as well as outside the GiT Family. Two more days and we are there.😊😍

What will be the next step? We will know more about it during our meeting at the Pennings Foundation next week. By then they will have been able to explore the materials we have shared. We will keep you all posted with new updates. 

Thank you, Audrey and Nikita, for your participation and update over t…... Read More