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When & where

January 28

Meeting in Pairs (28 Jan)


It was a fun evening yesterday with Megha and Audrey. A lively tea time filled with fun conversation and chatter, which then advanced to a game of Cartographer! Thank you guys for a fun board game evening, special thanks to Audrey for the game and the delicious cookies and Megha for the Nepali sweets and earrings. It was the perfect start of a weekend. Hope we can do this again sometime soon โค๏ธ

Ps: Pratik genuinely had fun. ๐Ÿ˜‹


Yes, it was amazing yesterday. We enjoyed everything: food, games, everything. 

Thank you Nikita for hosting the evening. 

And thank you Audrey for the cookies and teaching us hโ€ฆ... Read More

January 20

Meeting in Pairs (20 Jan)


Binda Anissa and I paired up this week. Binda invited me to her house for Indonesian Cuisine. So today I had a yummy lunch at her place. It was my first-time eating Soto and Tempeh and I enjoyed eating both. Now I know what to do with chicken broth (I usually throw it away. What a waste!). ๐Ÿ˜ And of course kroepoek was in the menu. โ˜บ

We also talked about different things. Mostly on our experiences in the Netherlands, both positive and negative. However, good things fortunately overpower the bad ones. โ˜บ

It was nice spending time with you Binda Anissa and the little one. Thank you for the invite and the lovely food. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ™


Hi everyone ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ Sairan and I are at winkelcentrum because Sairan has not seen here befโ€ฆ... Read More

December 2


First of all, thank you all the participants for your interest, time and effort for making Sinterklaas celebration possible. It was so nice to see you all and celebrate it together in our own way. ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™ Sorry that one of us couldnโ€™t get their gift in time due to a busy schedule of PostNL. We all hope she will receive it soon. ๐Ÿค—

Those who received the ๐ŸŽ were very good in controlling their curiosity. No one had opened their gifts. So, today we all opened our gifts one after another followed by guessing the respective Secret Sint. Well, we all guessed it correctly. ๐Ÿ‘ Perhaps as Nikita said, it proves we are a very close-knit group. It was really a joy to see each otherโ€™s exciting, happy face. โ˜บ

Thank you all once again. Hope to see you all next week. Until then, fijn weekend allemaal! ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜˜

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