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Welcome to Get in Touch (GiT) Program

Get In Touch for Internationals

Get in Touch is a social support program developed in 2011 with a vision to support Internationals and the spouses of International employees.

It assists them in feeling at home in the Netherlands. It helps embrace what Eindhoven has to offer by exploring the city, making friends, building social networks, and improving language skills.

We have been working in close collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology since 2011. The program is available for free to partners and spouses of employees from Eindhoven University of Technology.

If you are a partner or a spouse of an employee from Eindhoven University of Technology, you can register for free by filling the form here or here.

If not, please send your queries via the contact form.

Everyone in GiT has a unique story to tell...

Made lots of friends in Eindhoven and the city itself.
picture of member
Anastasia Redko From Russian Federation

Enriching, Collective and Fun!
picture of member
Richa Sharma From India

picture of member
Musarrat Hossain From Bangladesh


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picture of project


‘I DO’ – 26TH JUNE- 17TH JULY 2021 @PENNINGS FOUNDATION ‘I DO’ was a three weeklong photo-exhibition themed on Wedding culture that took place at Pennings Foundation. Together with a team of 16 from Get in Touch Family and Friends and four from Pennings, we successfully installed the exhibition.